Friday, October 23, 2009

The Unexpected Greeting

This year, Deepavali was a little different from the previous few years. Ever since I left home to study in Taylor's then Monash, I have never had the privilege to come back home to celebrate this special day with my parents thanks to the smart people in Cambridge and Australia that insist on having exams during Deepavali.

Since I have graduated now, I was able to celebrate it with my loved ones. It was just like any other day I would say except for the oil bath and the shows shown in TV.

Every year my dad receives Deepavali greeting cards from his friends. Every year it is gradually decreasing as more people are opting for the call/sms method. As expected, a few greeting cards came after Deepavali the following Monday. As I was browsing through the envelopes, I found this:

What?! A greeting card for me?!!!

And I got excited. It is not always I get greeting cards you know. Some more can write my name just as in my identification card.

I removed the envelope,

Not a bad looking card eh..

I flipped open the card

Upon closer inspection

WHAT!!! The Melaka Ketua Menteri himself signed and sent me a greeting card?

Looking at the card, my dad became tak puas hati because I got a greeting card from a VIP and he didn't.

And so he did some Sherlock Holmes work and came to the conclusion that I received the card because I am a registered voter and I live in the area where the Ketua Menteri runs for election every 5 years. So you know where I am going rite? Or maybe he even knows who I voted for for the election last year around. Hehehe..

As I stared at the card longer, I burst into laughter. Wanna know why?

His signature is so funny...As though he hates his own self.


vickee_rj said...

oh my god his signature was funny?? really?? and here i was thinking this would be a meaningful blog entry. hahahaha. happy belated deepavali dude! hope all is well :)

SaRa said...

How u la?
So nice of u to drop me a comment bila balik?
Haha..initially i didnt notice the funny signature.But then when i saw it..i jus had to post it..

Aqel said...

ahahahah...damn that was funny!

I thought that he was actually tired from having to sign too many. prolly he started from the old people then by the time he reach urs dia pun dah tua. HAHAHAHAHHA.


call me for dinner when ure around